Saturday, 10 December 2011

Santa Shoebox Project 2011

This project is held annually and is sponsored by various by people. Names of the children are put in a big box and each person draws a name. They then take the name, age and gender of the child and goes out to buy him/her little goodies and put it in a shoebox that has been decorated with pretty paper. This year our sponsors were, the lovely couple from Pizzaguys Pizzeria in Greenacres, Newton Park, Guy. Kim, the co-ordinator of the Santa Shoebox Project and various other people.

One of our toddlers, very happy with her present and the limelight!

 Not knowing his present is on his lap, he continues to sleep and not be bothered with the world
They couldn't wait to open their boxes.

All I want for Christmas is sweeties :)

Fascination was poured into her new clothes and doll

This little girl was so protective over her box, no one was allowed to touch it and you would get a scolding if you dare try. ;)

Sheer joy was on these children's faces after opening their boxes and examining their treasures carefully.

Thank you all who made this possible. May God bless you and your families.

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