Friday, 8 November 2013

Peter and Denise Nagel Renewal of Vows

Denise and Peter Nagel came to Vistarus in January 2013 and today (8 November 2013) they have decided it is time to renew their wedding vows as changed people who are in a better place than they have been when they first landed at our doors. Today, we see that the love of God truly does amazing things. Denise and Peter have, through God, found a new love for each other and their son.
In December, they are leaving Vistarus because Peter has found work as manager for a family business and they have been blessed with a home, a car and a wonderful school for Monre.

We are proud of these two beautiful people. This is what makes our work so much more rewarding each day. To see that what we do at Vistarus is not just another job, but that God truly works among our people and make them anew.

  Peter and Denise Nagel

 Peter and Denise with a special friend from Vistarus.

Their son, Monre

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